Mass/Confession/Adoration Times

Mass Times:

Sunday: 10a.m. 12p.m., 6p.m., 9p.m.

Monday-Friday: 7:45a.m. & 5:45p.m. 

Baccalaureate Mass:

May 4th: 4p.m.

*No RSVP required - caps and gowns are optional*

Summer Schedule:

Last 7:45am morning Mass is Friday, April 26th

Last full schedule of Masses is Sunday, April 28th

5:45pm daily Mass only and 10am Mass only following these dates.

Confession Times:

Sunday: 30 minutes before each mass

Monday - Friday: 4:30 - 5:30 PM

*Fr. Adam is also available by appointment*

Contact Father Adam

Need a guide to prepare for confession?

Click Here!

Adoration Times:

Monday- Friday: 8:30a.m. - 5:30p.m. (stopped on April 22nd, now 4:30pm-5:30pm only)

First time going to adoration?

As Catholics, we believe that Jesus Christ is fully present in the Holy Eucharist. Adoration is the veneration of Jesus in the Eucharist, presented in a monstrance, or a transparent receptacle, in front of those venerating. It’s an opportunity to love and be with Jesus as much as He wants to be with you. Hear more about what we do in adoration below: